Map room

Float array status, current and planned deployments


go-bgc float locations

Interactive Float Maps

    • Hover cursor over dot for information, data (netCDF or ODV), and plots (EuroArgo), or enter Float ID number for specific float*.
    • Click and drag to re-center, click and scroll to zoom in or out.

 *SIO BGC-SOLO float development for GO-BGC is funded by the NOPP program

Static Maps

GO-BGC Float locations

(click for full-sized image)

All MBARI-Processed floats

(click for full-sized image)

Interactive Float Tables with Data Access Links

GO-BGC status table

SOCCOM status table

MBARI table (not GO-BGC / SOCCOM)

Current Deployments

click for full sized image

Planned Deployments

click for full sized image