Expedition Logs

Follow along with the various expeditions as the GO-BGC program deploys floats around the global ocean.

The Global Ocean Biogeochemistry (GO-BGC) Array is a project funded by the US National Science Foundation to build a global network of chemical and biological sensors that will monitor ocean health. This new network of floats will collect data on the chemistry and the biology of the ocean from the surface to a depth of 2,000 meters, augmenting the existing Argo array that monitors ocean temperature and salinity. Data streaming from the float array will be made freely available within a day of being collected via the Argo data system, and will be used by researchers around the world. These data will allow scientists to pursue fundamental questions concerning ocean ecosystems, observe ocean health and productivity, and monitor the elemental cycles of carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen in the ocean through all seasons of the year. Such essential data are needed to improve computer models of ocean fisheries and climate, and to monitor and forecast the effects of ocean warming and ocean acidification on sea life. Additional BGC floats are deployed in the Southern Ocean as part of the Southern Ocean Carbon and Climate Observations and Modeling (SOCCOM) project and both SOCCOM floats and GO-BGC floats are available for adoption via an Adopt-A-Float program. We urge any interested groups to contact George I. Matsumoto (mage@mbari.org) if you have any questions about either the GO-BGC or SOCCOM projects, the Adopt-A-Float program, or the blogs.

2024 Lindblad Resolution

Pacific Transit

2024 Thompson Transit

Pacific Transit

2024 R/V Atlantis

East Pacific Transit

Nathaniel B Palmer NBP24-04 – SOCCOM/GO-BGC

Southern Ocean Transit

I08S—Re-occupation the 95E meridional line in the Southern Ocean

2024 GO-SHIP I08S

A13.5—Hydrography of the eastern South Atlantic Ocean

2024 GO-SHIP A13.5

P14N—JAMSTEC re-occupation of P14N (approximately north of 12°N)

2023 GO-SHIP P14N

I05—East to West along (32°S) in the Indian Ocean

2023 GO-SHIP I05

A16N—Atlantic Repeat Hydrography along 23.5°W from 6°S to 63°N

2023 GO-SHIP A16N

SOLOMON: Southern Ocean Long-term Observation and MONitoring

Southern Ocean

Nathaniel B Palmer NBP22-11 – SOCCOM

Southern Ocean Transit

P02—Repeat Hydrography 30˚N Zonal Transect

2022 GO-SHIP P02

A10.5—Repeat Hydrography Along 34.5 ˚S

2022 GO-SHIP A10.5 (SAGA-345S)

A13.5—Hydrography of the eastern South Atlantic Ocean

2022 GO-SHIP/CO2 Repeat Hydrography Cruise

A20/A22—Western North Atlantic Hydrography Expedition

US GO-SHIP A20 and A22 lines repeat hydrography: western North Atlantic