2023 GO-SHIP P14N
JAMSTEC re-occupation of P14N (approximately north of 12°N) in 2023 boreal autumn
GO-SHIP P14N will leave Dutch Harbor, Alaska in October 2023 and arrive in Shimizu, Japan in November 2023.
Please join along on the journey by following the expedition blog!

2023 GO-SHIP P14N North Pacific Expedition Logs
Wrapping Up
A final cruise update from Addie NorgaardP14N Log: Wrapping up the expedition All of the sampling stations on P14N have been completed, and the last three floats are out collecting data! For our final few days, all that is left for scientists to do is pack up...
Life Onboard
A cruise update from Addie NorgaardP14N Log: Life onboard the Mirai We’ve been working our way south, and I think everyone is enjoying the warmer temperatures and calming seas. We also crossed west over the international date line, and so we skipped October 18th...
P14N Introduction
A cruise update from Addie NorgaardP14N Log: The First 10 Days Hello from the Bering Sea! The Japanese oceanographic research vessel Mirai is 10 days into the GO-SHIP repeat hydrography line P14N, which spans from the Bering Sea to near Hawaii. We departed from Dutch...