GO-SHIP IO5: Eating Well

Yummy eats aboard the R/V Roger Revelle

CTD Watch-standers Log: Eating Well

As we enter the third week of our voyage across the Indian Ocean, I’d like to share the yummy eats aboard the R/V Roger Revelle. Amidst the dedicated efforts of the scientists and crew, the chefs also work hard to provide us with well-balanced and delicious meals. Some of the offerings include: lamb chops, Japanese-inspired noodles, and even fresh poke!

Dishing up a serving of eggplant. Photo credit: Jom Lamoonkit

Dishing up a serving of eggplant. Photo credit: Jom Lamoonkit

Fresh poke! Photo by Alexis Merk

Fresh poke! Photo by Alexis Merk

Following these meals, desserts are often offered. Choices like apple pie, churros, and cinnamon buns make for happy sailors. During celebratory occasions, such as birthdays, we’re indulged with birthday cakes and even serenaded with the singing of “Happy Birthday!”

Twelve hour shifts often leave us hungry and looking for snacks before we retire to our staterooms for the night. My fellow CTD watchstander, Jom, and I have coined the term, “second dinner”, in which we travel to the mess to treat ourselves with leftovers, microwave popcorn, or a simple, yet satisfying bowl of cereal.

Banana, carrot, and cinnamon birthday cake. Photo by Alexis Merk

Banana, carrot, and cinnamon birthday cake. Photo by Alexis Merk

Alexis and Jom at second dinner. Photo by Kay McMonigal

Alexis and Jom at second dinner. Photo by Kay McMonigal

Within the computer lab, where we monitor the CTD during our shift, we indulge in a variety of snacks. Some of these snacks include: lime and black pepper chips, muddy buddy chex mix, and a conveniently placed trash bin stocked with an assortment of chocolates and candies, providing us with a quick treat while we work.

~Alexis Merk

Trash bin full of delicious candies. Photo by Alexis Merk

Trash bin full of delicious candies. Photo by Alexis Merk