April 2023
In 2023, the R/V Revelle conducted a basin-wide expedition in the Indian Ocean made up of smaller expeditions including the DMBE; Mauritius to India transit; ASTRAL/EKAMSAT; India to Australia transit; and the IO5 Expedition.
Two GO-BGC floats were deployed from the R/V Revelle as part of the Deep Madagascar Basin Expedition (DMBE) shown in green above. Researchers aboard the DMBE will investigate how deep and abyssal oceans (>4,000 m) store and redistribute heat and carbon (among other things), and how changes in the past 30 years indicate that while other areas of the Southern Hemisphere’s abyssal oceans are warming, the Madagsacar Basin is unexpectedly cooling. GO-BGC float data will help in the discoveries being made about this dynamic area of our planet. Float status including number of completed profiles to date is available in the Float Status Table.
Associated documentation, shipboard validation data sets (if collected), and float data sets are available on our Shipboard Calibration and Validation Datasets page.
The floats deployed from the Revelle as part of the DMB expedition were adopted by a school in California and Newfoundland. Check out all adopted floats on the Adopt-a-float data table, photos of floats can be found on our Flickr page.

BETTA which stands for Build, Experiment, Test, Transform, Accomplish, was deployed in the Indian Ocean from the R/V Revelle on April 20th, 2023. BETTA will transmit profiles every 10 days as it travels the Indian Ocean over the next 5 years.

The Random Island Academy (RIA) Ocean Crusader was deployed in the Indian Ocean from the R/V Revelle on May 9th, 2023. RIA Ocean Crusader will transmit profiles every 10 days as it cruises the Indian Ocean.