Game Nights

We’ve all got a lot of work to do, but with 24 hours a day, we need some time to unwind too.

I had no idea what it would be like to come onboard a ship where I don’t know anyone, it has probably been 10 or more years since that was the case! On top of that, I’m the only science party member so everyone else has worked together for years. But the WHOI crew and techs are awesome! We’ve all got a lot of work to do, but with 24 hours a day, we need some time to unwind too. We’ve had a few game sessions so far, usually in the hours after dinner.

The first night onboard, I played my first-ever game of Settlers of Catan. The Seafarers expansion edition, of course. I know this game can start fights and end friendships, but I figured it was safe since I didn’t have any friends yet 🙂 While I did lose, I also had fun and don’t have any long-lasting resentments towards the other players. I finally got to see what all the hype was about trading in wool, ore, brick, wood, and wheat.

Melissa, Matt, and Ella play Catan

Melissa, Matt, and Ella play Catan

The next night, I hunted down a cribbage board. At first I thought R/V Atlantis didn’t have one – which would be an affront! I learned cribbage on my very first research cruise back in 2010 and have probably played on every U.S. vessel I’ve been on. Cribbage tournaments are a staple of the SIO fleet at least, and a good way to mingle with new people on a long trip. This time around, we played 4-player cribbage, which I didn’t know was an option! There are two teams and each player puts one card in the crib. The strategy definitely changes a bit, but I love the game in any format.
What would have been a high-scoring round of cribbage, but the other team won before hands were counted

What would have been a high-scoring round of cribbage, but the other team won before hands were counted

Another game in the Atlantis library is Exploding Kittens, which is always fun. The card game prompts you to say ridiculous phrases and anyone listening to our conversation would think we’re crazy. We’re halfway through the trip, so there’s still time for a few more game nights.

Melissa readies an attack while playing Exploding Kittens

Melissa readies an attack while playing Exploding Kittens