POV: You are sampling the CTD

March 12, 2024

Sampling the CTD is part of life for most scientists aboard research trips like this. Anywhere from 1-3 times a day when the CTD is pulled back on board we all come out of our labs where we had been hunkered down and gather to begin the dance at the rosette. We all have our sample bottles numbered and the CTD Watch stander fondly now referred to as “bottle cop” has the orders of each of our bottles written down. Patiently we wait, rain or shine, hot or cold, we wait until it is our turn to collect the sample. In order one at a time each person hollers out their sample bottle to the bottle cop, waits for confirmation that it is their turn, and they have the correct number, and then collects their sample. The sample collection has a different procedure based on intended measurement to be done but generally it includes 2-3 rinses of the bottle, meticulous checking the hose for and removing air bubbles, counting the time it takes to fill the bottle (about 10 seconds in this video), allowing the bottle to overflow for an additional 2-3x that count (25-30 seconds), and finally removing the hose and capping the sample. Repeat. 24 times. Now this process usually takes 45-75 minutes. However, for your convenience this POV (point of view) recording from the pH and TA sampling has been sped up and condensed to just 4 minutes. Enjoy.

Feature Video of sampling

EvaLynn Jundt, Research Technician: pH, 3/12/2024

University of Miami: Texas A&M University Corpus Christi; Harte Research Institute